英语单词分类 轻松记单词

no more

[nəu mɔ:]

不再; 也不

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释

no more


1. not now

e.g. she is no more

Synonym: no longer

2. referring to the degree to which a certain quality is present

e.g. he was no heavier than a child

Synonym: no

1. no more在线翻译

1. 不再;不再存在;也不:more or less 或多或少;左右 . | no more 不再;不再存在;也不 . | no more...than... 不过;同...一样不 .

2. no more在线翻译

2. 不要了:再来一点吗?Would you like some more? | ○ No more. 不要了. | 很好吃!It's delicious!

3. 不在有了:03 吻我Besame mucho | 04 不在有了No more | 05 只有你Only you

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

They make no more than a mutter of protest.(他们不过是小声抗议了一下。)
The food was acceptable, but no more.(食物还可以,但说不上很好。)
The restaurant was no more than a glorified fast-food cafe.(这地方美其名曰餐馆,其实只不过是个快餐店而已。)
The 30 percent figure may be no more than a guesstimate.(30%这一数字可能只是个大约的估计。)
We are no more than servants.(我们只不过是仆人。)
They heard the protesters shout: "No more fascism!"(他们听见抗议者在高呼:“打倒法西斯主义!”)
I will say no more on these matters, important though they are.(我不想对这些事再说些什么,尽管它们很重要。)
The final chapter is no more than a scrappy addition.(最后一章不过是些散乱的补充内容。)
Let's have no more melodramatics, if you don't mind.(如果你不介意的话,咱们就别再夸张了。)
She was no more a crackpot than the rest of us.(她并不比我们其余人更怪诞。)
no more是什么意思 no more在线翻译 no more什么意思 no more的意思 no more的翻译 no more的解释 no more的发音 no more的同义词